Although I was unable to meet Cathy and Wes in person before their wedding day (as they live in Seattle), I couldn’t have hoped for a lovelier couple. I truly enjoyed every moment of Cathy and Wes’ day. From the emotional ceremony, officiated by Cathy’s brother Joe, to the seriously rockin’ reception, I could feel the love of their friends and family at every turn. After a passing rain shower brought a sprinkle of good luck to the couple, they wed in Cathy’s parents’ backyard, took some time to enjoy a private picnic, then celebrated into the evening to the sounds of the very talented Jason Anderson and the Best. A few images from their day:
In lieu of couple’s portraits, Cathy and Wes chose to have a picnic at a special spot on the water where her family goes quahogging, a place affectionately known as ‘The Quahog Spot’.
Congratulations, Cathy and Wes! Thank you for sharing your day with me!

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